Worship Ministries’ Day – October 23rd
All of those involved in serving during worship at church were installed on Sunday, September 18th. I hope you were one of those! If you were or if you’d like to begin helping during our worship services, a special training session, including lunch, will be held on October 23rd after the second service.
If you serve (or would like to serve) as an acolyte, altar guild, choir, communion assistant, communion visitor, greeter, lector, liturgist, nursery worker, prayer care team member, projector operator, sound board operator, and/or usher, please plan on attending this luncheon to receive important information relating to those positions. Lunch will be a mashed potato bar! We’ll have lunch, have a short instructional time, and then dessert.
Projecting Our Worship
Projecting our services continues to have more and more benefits! If you recall, this was one of the improvements Pastor David has hoped to implement after visiting growing congregations during his Sabbatical. The positive effects have exceeded our expectations.
Projecting the service makes it easier for visitors to follow along and participate in our services. It also helps regular attenders to participate more fully in the service, helping us to lift our heads up, and our voices. This became especially evident on September 18th during the second service.
It didn’t take long for all of us to figure out that having the communion hymns projected up front meant we could continue singing them on our way up for communion. Not only that, but we could continue to sing while taking communion.
As communion ended that day during the second service, we were on the third verse of a four verse song. In the past, we would simply end there and proceed with the post-communion prayer. We were singing “Let’s Just Praise the Lord,” and though the liturgist got up to start the prayer, the congregation just did NOT want to stop praising the Lord! It was a wonderful moment of corporate worship, and I was moved to tears.
There are still a few issues to work out with the projecting. We’ll keep working on them ’til we get it right. The next step will be to try scaling back on our printing of the full service in the bulletin. The large print bulletins will continue as they are, but the smaller font bulletins will only have the order of service, instead of all the details. This will save a few trees and reduce our copying costs.
We really need some additional helpers to operate the projector, and I hope you consider it. Please let Karen Brown know, and plan on joining us for worship ministries’ day on October 23rd to get a tutorial.
– Karen Brown